There is conflicting evidence regarding the safety of using Xanax while pregnant. If you use Xanax (or drugs like Xanax) and are pregnant or plan to get pregnant, you should discuss this with your physician immediately.
Typically, it’s a good idea to weigh the pros and cons of any prescription drugs you’re taking while pregnant. When it comes to a habit-forming drug like Xanax, it’s especially important to consult with a an addiction specialist as well as your physician. A specialist can help you determine the best course of action and whether or not there is a need for professional treatment.
Xanax (alprazolam) is a benzodiazepine medication which is commonly used to treat anxiety, panic disorders, and seizures. Women who suffer from these conditions and are pregnant or trying to conceive may be concerned about using medications such as Xanax, and rightfully so. Unfortunately, there is no simple answer, as various studies focused on alprazolam use during pregnancy have revealed different results.
There is also conflicting evidence regarding stress and its impact on a baby in utero. Some research has found neither generalized anxiety or panic disorder increased adverse outcomes in newborns. Still, other studies have found that severe versus mild-moderate stress may have a more dramatic effect on an unborn baby.
Before making a decision, it is vital to talk to a health professional who can conduct a risk-benefit analysis and be able to educate patients on current research regarding Xanax and pregnancy.
For those who feel that the baby will be better off if they quit, detox and/or long-term treatment for drug dependency may be the most beneficial.
Potential Effects on an Unborn Child
In addition to relief from spasms and the pain associated with them, the physical effects of Flexeril may also include feelings of relaxation, drowsiness, and a sense of “floating” that might be considered by some to be similar to a relatively mild high. This effect usually only occurs during first-time uses, or if it is misused and taken more frequently or in higher amounts than directed. Also, the effects of being high may be intensified if the drug is used in conjunction with other drugs or alcohol.
The general guidelines for prescribing Flexeril for persons 15 years of age and older recommends 5-10mg doses three times per day. The Flexeril high itself isn’t typically as euphoric as with some other central nervous system (CNS) depressants, such as benzodiazepines. However, it can induce long-lasting feelings of relaxation and calm that may encourage some users to experiment with it.
How Do People Abuse Flexeril?
In many cases, when a mother uses a substance, the baby is exposed to it as well. Exposure occurs because drugs or alcohol are likely to pass through the placenta to the fetus. All psychiatric medications, including Xanax, travel through the placenta, and some research has shown an increased risk of specific types of congenital disabilities. However, the risk of these effects following prenatal exposure to certain drugs may not be as high as previously believed.
While the use of Xanax while pregnant may increase the risk of some birth defects, research hasn’t ascertained the exact amount of risk. One long-term study that out of 542 women who had taken Xanax while expecting, there were only 13 live births with congenital anomalies and 47 miscarriages. Although it should be noted that these numbers were not statistically significant. The study itself wasn’t deemed to be large enough to be conclusive.
Another report suggested that the risk of cleft lip and palate associated with using benzodiazepines during the first trimester was considered to be relatively small—around 0.7%. Still, a clinical review from the 1970s proposed an increased risk of facial clefts and other malformations. However, the researchers acknowledged that many of the women examined in the study had complex psychological problems and were using multiple medications, which also could have contributed to defects.
Overall, in most studies, the majority of infants were born normally, and the highest risk appeared to be taking benzodiazepines in the third trimester or during labor. Although results from several studies revealed several congenital disabilities in newborns, no causal relationship has, as of yet, been found between Xanax use and congenital anomalies.
Additional Research
It is clear that additional research and more extensive studies are needed to find a more definitive answer. At this time, most experts believe the risk to be rather small—but there is still a risk. For many women, using psychoactive substances while pregnant is scary, and most women choose to err on the side of caution.
When it comes to using substances while pregnant, much of the desire to abstain may have less to do with the actual risk and more to do with the fear of potentially negative outcomes. Moreover, if a child is born with birth abnormalities, the mother will often question whether or not she could have done something (or not done something) to prevent it from happening.
Benzodiazepine Dependence
No expectant mother– or anyone, for that matter– should ever stop taking Xanax cold turkey. Deciding how to navigate this difficult situation is one of the best reasons to consult with your health care provider immediately. Long-term benzodiazepine use can result in dependence in both the mother and the unborn child. This is especially concerning when used late in pregnancy and in high doses. Some infants may exhibit withdrawal symptoms at birth, which may include the following:
- Sedation
- Restlessness
- Diarrhea
- Vomiting
- Decreased muscle tone
- Reluctance to suckle
- Sleep apnea
- Cyanosis (bluish or purplish skin)
- Insensitivity to cold
- Seizures (rare)
Another example of a potential complication for an unborn baby is hypotonia (floppy baby syndrome). Symptoms of hypotonia may include the following:
- Lethargy
- Weak cry or quiet voice
- Impaired respiration
- Problems with feeding
- Poor head control
- Limpness and hanging limbs
It’s crucial to remember that there is still some controversy surrounding the safety of using Xanax while pregnant. Many doctors continue to prescribe it to reduce symptoms of anxiety. In fact, research suggests that as many as one-third of all pregnant women receive psychotropic medications to manage mental health disorders diagnosed before pregnancy.
Risks of Untreated Anxiety
Symptoms of anxiety can become worse if left untreated. This can have adverse consequences for both the mother and the infant. For example, pregnant women with an untreated panic disorder may have a higher risk of premature birth and miscarriage. Research has found an increase in symptoms related to anxiety disorders is common both before and after giving birth.
Limited data shows that anxiety disorders occur with higher frequency in postpartum women than in the general population. If it is severe enough, it could impair a mother’s ability to care for her child. In extreme cases, this impairment could even endanger the child. There is also an increased risk of heightened anxiety during pregnancy and the postpartum period.
Discussing the pros and cons of discontinuing Xanax with a medical professional is, ultimately, the best way to make an informed decision regarding the health of both you and your baby.
Getting Treatment for Drug Dependence
If you are currently dependent on any Benzodiazepine and are would like to quit, you may benefit from professional help. Long-term use of Xanax results in dependence and most patients need to undergo a tapering schedule. In some cases, medical detox is necessary to facilitate this process.
Harmony Recovery Center features integrated programs designed to treat all aspects of an individual’s emotional well-being. By treating both substance abuse and mental health conditions, like anxiety, we offer a comprehensive approach. These programs include evidence-based services, such as behavioral and experiential therapies, EDMR, individual and group counseling, group support, aftercare planning, and more.
If you are ready to take the first step toward overcoming substance abuse or addiction, contact us today! We aim to help those who need it most get clean and foster the healthy, fulfilling lives they deserve!