Addiction Rehab Center In Charlotte

Addiction Resources

Addiction can be an extremely complex and complicated disease to understand. Even those who are personally addicted to substances such as heroin, prescription medications, or alcohol might not fully understand exactly why and how their lives are unfolding in the manner that they are.

At Harmony Recovery, one of our primary goals is to not only educate each and every one of our clients but to also provide education and resources to their loved ones. By doing so, not only do we increase awareness of the disease of addiction, but we are also supplying those affected most with the information they need in order to effectively cope with this disease and move forward after it has ravaged through their lives.

What’s Our Focus?

The majority of our clients are struggling with addictions to a number of common substances when they walk through our doors, specifically heroin, cocaine, meth, benzodiazepines, and alcohol. Because of the severity of these types of addictions, we have adopted an open-door policy, where we encourage the friends and family of clients to participate in family therapy sessions and educational workshops.

Family therapy, in particular, can be an excellent resource for all involved, as it is conducted in a private, secure forum where individuals can learn new and effective ways to communicate and behave amongst one another. Our education workshops, which are mostly geared towards clients, can help provide in-depth information about addiction and recovery.

There is no doubt that while during their stay, clients will be connected to several different resources both in-house and outside of our campus. For example, we will introduce 12-Step meetings to our clients at our facility, as well as in the local community.

While clients are in recovery, they will be surrounded by these and other addiction resources, as will their loved ones. When clients leave our facility, we will continually provide resources to them, as we offer aftercare programming, too. Through aftercare, individuals can continually participate in the activities at Harmony Recovery even after they have returned to living on their own.

It is our goal to not only see clients and their loved ones through this process but to also remain a stable resource for everyone moving forward. This is why we focus on providing addiction resources both during and after one’s treatment.

Addiction Resources

We see people from all walks of life come to Harmony Recovery looking for help. And, while everyone has their own story, the majority of people who we work on rehabbing are addicted to some of the most popular substances of abuse. Consider the following:

Opioids and Painkillers

Due to the availability of potent drugs such as oxycodone, the United States is being devastating by an opioid crisis. Those who are addicted to opioids often grapple with several symptoms, such as sweating, feeling lightheaded, lacking coordination, sleep problems, constipation, and a flushed face. To learn more about addictions to opioids and pain pills, click Below..


When an addiction to heroin is occurring, an individual will display some behaviors that are risky and out of character. This can include participating in dangerous behaviors, such as using needles in unclean places or sharing them with strangers. One of the greatest concerns for those who abuse heroin is the potential transmission of hepatitis and HIV. Find out more about heroin addiction here.


Alcohol is widely accepted in today’s culture, however, millions of people struggle with alcohol addiction. Serving as an addiction that can lead to an untimely death due to consuming too much or making bad decisions while under the influence (e.g., drinking and driving), many of those addicted to alcohol require professional treatment. To learn more about alcohol addiction, click here


Benzodiazepines are extremely beneficial for those who use it as prescribed for conditions such as anxiety disorders. However, some people abuse these medications for their relaxing effects. Continual abuse of benzodiazepines can be dangerous and can cause consequences such as those detailed here.


Likely the most popular synthetic drug, meth has the potential to completely destroy one’s physical and psychological well-being. Abusing this substance for any length of time can lead to vital organ damage or other risks, such as those described here.


Cocaine and crack are two very different substances, and sometimes only those who abuse it are aware that they are not the same. While different, both drugs are highly addictive and can lead to an overdose even if used just once. Treating cocaine and/or crack addiction can be challenging – however, it is possible. Learn more about this type of addiction by clicking here.

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