Roxicodone is a brand name for oxycodone, which is a prescription opioid painkiller. Doctors may prescribe Roxicodone for the treatment of moderate to severe pain, sudden breakthrough pain, or before surgery. Similarly to other narcotics, Roxicodone can become addictive when used for an extended period. Over time, Roxicodone use can result in the development of tolerance, a condition that is a product of the body’s propensity to diminish the effects of certain substances following repeated exposure. This effect may drive some patients to increase their dosage due to the reduced response. Dependence, another possible result, occurs when the body becomes accustomed to the presence of a substance and when the user attempts to quit, unpleasant withdrawal symptoms manifest as a result.
Signs of Roxicodone Addiction
The Mayo Clinic published a list of symptoms associated with the abuse of opioid painkillers. If you can identify these symptoms in yourself or someone you know who is using Roxicodone, they may indicate that addiction has developed:
- Lethargy
- Loss of motivation
- Decreased pain
- Depression
- Confusion
- Constipation
- Profound sedation or stupor
- Slowed or labored breathing
If you recognize these symptoms and suspect that you or your family member may be addicted to Roxicodone, please seek professional help as soon as possible. In addition to physical changes, behavioral changes become increasingly noticeable. Addicts frequently engage in “doctor shopping” or visiting multiple doctors or pharmacies to obtain new prescriptions. They may lie about or exaggerate symptoms, ask family members for access to leftover medications, or coax other family members into lying to obtain prescriptions for their own personal use. If these efforts fail, addicts may resort to obtaining drugs from street dealers or outright theft.
Consequences of Roxicodone Addiction
A Roxicodone addiction tends to wreak havoc on a person’s physical and emotional well-being. When used as directed, side effects associated with this drug may include sweating, nausea and vomiting, dizziness, drowsiness, and more. When misused or combined with medications that interact, such as other depressants, sedatives, or alcohol, Roxicodone can result in profound central nervous system depression, characterized by breathing problems and severe drowsiness. These may likely indicate that a life-threatening overdose is in progress. The following are hallmark signs of an overdose:
- Loss of consciousness
- Vomiting
- Body is very limp
- Face is pale or clammy
- Slow or absent pulse
- Unresponsiveness to outside stimulus
- Awake, but unable to communicate
- Breathing is very slow, shallow, labored, or has stopped
- Cyanosis (bluish skin around lips and fingernails)
- Choking sounds or gurgling noise (a “death rattle”)
As with other drug addictions, a person’s priorities, values, and inhibitions may change as he or she becomes obsessed with obtaining and using the substance. Common problems encountered by addicts include the following:
- Multiple arrests and incarceration
- Neglect of children and other family responsibilities
- Aggression and domestic violence
- Strained relationships and withdrawal from family and friends, social isolation
- Loss of interest in other activities once thought enjoyable
- Intense cravings
- Engagement in increasingly risky activities and drug-seeking behaviors
- Development of unhealthy relationships with those who condone substance abuse
Moreover, an addict’s life may become erratic and overwhelmed by adverse effects as his or her drug of choice slowly begins taking priority in life, eventually outweighing family, school, or work responsibilities. Addicts often lose jobs and encounter financial distress, and fail to engage in the upkeep of their appearance and personal hygiene. They may also antagonize doctors and loved ones in their crusade to obtain more drugs.
Seeking Treatment
Admitting that you have an addiction is the first step in finding the help you need to overcome it. Few people are able to end a narcotic addiction without outside treatment and support from a variety of sources. The safest and most effective method of conquering an opioid addiction is to enroll in a comprehensive treatment program in a specialized facility. Harmony Recovery Center employs some of the top addiction professionals in the community, and our belief is that your recovery depends on our commitment to success. Moreover, you will experience a positive outcome when you choose our center because we give you the tools, resources, and support you need to free yourself from the chains of addiction for life. We offer integrated, evidence-based services clinically proven to be essential to the process of recovery, including psychotherapy, individual and group counseling, group support, health and wellness programs, aftercare planning, and more. Addiction doesn’t have to continue to ruin your life. You can regain control one step at a time, and we can show you how it’s possible. If you or someone you love is struggling with an addiction to drugs or alcohol, please contact us as soon as possible to discuss treatment options. Discover how we help people overcome addiction and begin to experience the healthy and satisfying lives they deserve!